Časopis poskytuje aktuálne informácie o scientometrii a spôsoboch hodnotení vedecko-výskumných výkonov. Vďaka svojmu interdisciplinárnemu charakteru je scientometria nenahraditeľná pre výskumných pracovníkov a administrátorov výskumu na celom svete. Poskytuje cennú pomoc knihovníkom a dokumentaristom v centrálnych vedeckých agentúrach, ministerstvách, výskumných ústavoch a laboratóriách.
SOAP: Simple Open Access Platform
SOAP: Simple Open Access Platfrom is an avatar fo selected OA community.
Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae
Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae (AHR) is a peer reviewed, open access scholarly journal aimed to presentation and dissemination of the latest, up-to-date results of scientific research in the fields of landscape engineering, landscape architecture and horticulture in the context of the climate changes impacts. Journal focuses on the publication of original research from horticulture and viticulture, nature and landscape sustainability, protection and management, environment protection and related fields.
RUBER :: Rural buildings in European Areas :: Conference Proceedings
RUBER is a series of an conference proceedings from international conference focused on rural architecture, intelligent villages, green infrastructure, support for small and medium-sized enterprises and permitting environmentally sensitive structures in the context of rural areas sustainable development and rural economy transformation.